Three Magic Words is not a religion or a sect or a society. In its entirety it is a series of essays aimed at revealing to you your power over all things. You will learn that there is only one mover in all creation and that mover is thought. You will learn that there is only one creator and that creator is the Universal Subconscious Mind, or God. You will learn that this creator creates for you exactly what you think, and you will be shown how you can control your thoughts, not only to obtain answers to your problems but to create in your experience exactly what you desire
Uell Stanley Andersen's describes methods of attaining personal peace, a positive attitude and success in a clearcut, easy to understand way. He handles deep spiritual truths in a simple way with an absolute minimum of metaphysical jargon. Andersen's philosophy is very enlightened (and enlightening) and transcends the borders of individual philosophies and religions. We are presented with a set of ideas that are free of dogmatism. It soon becomes evident that there is no "brainwashing" involved , and that the author's conclusions are self-explanatory once you grasp them.
Cybernetics is a magic word today. It has changed American life more than anything else and you can use it to change yours. This book will teach you how to program your brain with techniques and ideas that will allow it to operate at its highest capacity - and you will solve problems and attain your ambitions with scientific precision. Cybernetics is the science of feedback loops. Try something - then evaluate the results - then make adjustments - then try again. Andersen encourages using this idea for your life. If an action isn't producing the desired results, try something else. Eventually, you will get on the right track, everything will become automatic, and the success loop will re-enforce itself. He promotes this simple idea through many motivating and colorful stories.
U.S Andersen's short story " Turn Ever So Quickly" was included in the anthology The Best American Short Stories of 1963.
There are a few exceptions but most of his work can be purchased on Amazon.com.
If thou wouldst assume the Master's role
Wed unto Faith like a wife
Faith will sustain thee nourish thy soul
and attain thee a matery of life